Renowned French singer, Kendji Girac, 27, recently found himself embroiled in an unfortunate event in Biscarrosse, Landes, where he was shot. In spite of the incident, he is currently recuperating in his cosy caravan.
On a different note, it's worth mentioning that this humble star had a brief stint in a luxury apartment in the heart of Paris, specifically in the 8th arrondissement. A week was all it took for this young man to realize that a fancy apartment, with a monthly rent oscillating between 4,000 and 5,000 euros, is not the key to happiness.
The sense of isolation and loneliness became overwhelming, which led him to pack up and return to his roots. Kendji Girac is a man who values a simpler lifestyle over the fast-paced city life. Périgueux, Dordogne is where his heart lies.
Home for him is a 160 sqm property with a spacious one-hectare plot in Périgueux, Dordogne. There, he has plans to modify the house by integrating a gym and a recording studio – a blend of work and wellbeing.
Interestingly, despite having a house, Kendji's bond with his caravan remains unbroken. The tranquility that this humble abode provides is cherished by the singer who often prefers to sleep there, especially in the summer months.
Gatherings and hosting family get-togethers, frequently around a sizzling barbecue, adds to the charm of his serene lifestyle. Kendji Girac has always put a premium on a simple, family-focused lifestyle. For him, the essence of life lies in these grounding aspects.